
Configuration 2023-11-30 11:00


The configuration settings for user authentication.

There are different methods available for authentication.

Internal (default)

This is the internal authentication method of the system. Everything needed is stored in the relational database of the system.

LDAP (including Active Directory)

Using this authentication method you will be able to connect to existing user management and directory services like Active Diectory.

Setting “driver

string, enum (””, “ads”), optional

Use this setting if connecting to an Active Directory.

Setting “crypt

string, enum (””, “tls”, “ssl”), optional

While setting this to “ssl” results in having an LDAPS connection established, the use of “tls” will use the “STARTTLS” method which is the standard for secured LDAP connections.

Setting “hostname

string, default “localhost”

The hostname or IP address of the LDAP server to use. Remember to pay attention to the certificate if using a different hostname or the IP address.

Setting “port

integer, default 389 | 636

If the port differs from the standard ones then this would go here.

Setting “username

string, optional

If - and only then - a user is required for query the directory, then you must give the appropriate (viewer) username here.

Setting “password

string, optional

If - and only then - a user is required for query the directory, then you must give the appropriate (viewer) password here.

Setting “default_domain

string, optional

If a domain is needed for authentication - specially if using “ads” driver - then you would give the default domain here, if you do not want your users to enter the domain with their username.

Setting “default_domain_only

bool, default false

This set to true restricts authentication to only the given “default_domain”.

Setting “base_dn

string, optional

The base of your directory tree. Normally something like “dc=example,dc=com”.

Setting “folder_users

string, optional

If a standard LDAP query has to be built for user authentication, this is the folder where users reside. Normally something like “ou=people” or “cn=users”.

Setting “field_sid

string, optional

This setting gives the field to use for building a unique user id for a LDAP authenticated user.

While normally the username is the direct connection, settings this will additionally link the resulting id where the user then gets blocked if the id is not corresponding to the stored one.

Setting “field_username

string, default “uid”

The username of a LDAP authenticated user and the primary connection.

Setting “field_displayname

string, default “gecos”

The full name of a LDAP authenticated user.

Setting “field_email

string, default “mail”

The e-mail address of a LDAP authenticated user.

Setting “field_banned

string, default “sambaacctflags”

The field (and implicitly given method) of the banned flag.

Setting “search_users

string, optional

A LDAP filter string to apply for searching users.

“%u”Replaced with username and domain
“%d”Replaced with domain
“%n”Replaced with username
Use the following special strings:

Setting “search_groups

string, optional

A LDAP filter string to apply for searching groups.

“%u”Replaced with username and domain
“%d”Replaced with domain
“%n”Replaced with username
Use the following special strings:

Setting “map_groups

map(string => string[]), optional

With this map you able to translate LDAP groups into access levels and groups within your application for authorization.

There is a special group “_” being the default and always applied one.

                        "map_groups": {
                                "_": [
                                "sales": [
                                "domain admins": [

It is recommended to use “map_groups” as you have much more control of what happens in the manner of security. However, if there is no “map_groups” then groups based on the names of the LDAP groups will get created.

Setting “map_groups_only

bool, default false

With this setting enabled only groups in the “map_groups” setting will be used.


If you do not have an appropriate user directory by hand or according to the use case (or security purposes) users must be stored (or are existing) in a different data source (for example a business software), then you should use this authentication method.

Setting “driver

string, enum (””, “mysql”), optional

Not yet implemented; always defaults to “mysql”. Use this setting to specify the database to connect to.

Setting “hostname

string, default config_item(“database_hostname”)

The hostname or IP address of the database server to use.

Setting “username

string, default config_item(“database_username”)

The username to connect to the database server.

Setting “password

string, default config_item(“database_password”)

The password to connect to the database server.

Setting “database

string, default config_item(“database_database”)

The database or scheme to use when connected to the database server. If the setting is not given, then the system database is used.

Setting “default_domain

string, optional

If a domain is needed for authentication then you would give the default domain here, if you do not want your users to enter the domain with their username.

Setting “default_domain_only

bool, default false

This set to true restricts authentication to only the given “default_domain”.

Setting “field_sid

string, optional

This setting gives the field to use for building a unique user id for an authenticated user.

While normally the username is the direct connection, settings this will additionally link the resulting id where the user then gets blocked if the id is not corresponding to the stored one.

Setting “field_username

string, default “username”

The field holding the username of an authenticated user and the primary connection.

Setting “field_password

string, default “password”

The field holding the hashed password of an authenticated user.

Appropriate SQL queries should return the hashing algorithm used in a special syntax before the according hash value.

“{PLAIN-MD5}”Given passwords are MD5 hashes.
“{PLAIN-SHA1}”Given passwords are SHA1 hashes.
Use the following hashing algorithm schemes:

Setting “field_displayname

string, optional

The full name of an authenticated user.

Setting “field_email

string, optional

The e-mail address of an authenticated user.

Setting “field_banned

string, optional

The field of the banned flag.

Setting “field_banned_value

string, optional

The field value which the field “field_banned” must have to set an user banned.

Setting “field_role

string, optional

The field gives a role out of the appropriate record which is then used as an additional group membership.

Setting “search_users

string, optional

A SQL query to find the needed users.

“%u”Replaced with username and domain
“%d”Replaced with domain
“%n”Replaced with username
Use the following special strings:

Setting “search_groups

string, optional

A SQL query to find the needed groups.

“%u”Replaced with username and domain
“%d”Replaced with domain
“%n”Replaced with username
Use the following special strings:

Setting “map_groups

map(string => string[]), optional

With this map you able to translate the groups out of the database into access levels and groups within your application for authorization.

There is a special group “_” being the default and always applied one.

                        "map_groups": {
                                "_": [
                                "sales": [
                                "admins": [

It is recommended to use “map_groups” as you have much more control of what happens in the manner of security. However, if there is no “map_groups” then groups based on the names out of the database will get created.

Setting “map_groups_only

bool, default false

With this setting enabled only groups in the “map_groups” setting will be used.